Solutions for B2B SaaS

AI-Powered Insights for Breakthrough Enterprise Growth

  • Optimize your product to maximize growth
  • Receive alerts on KPI changes
  • Identify the exact cause of KPI changes
  • Identify hidden segments to focus where it matters most
  • Measure the impact of every product change

Acquire, Engage, Retain, Scale.

Closing the loop on hypothesis prioritization

The primary advantage of Loops for us lies in the preliminary stage before execution – identifying hypotheses with a higher likelihood of success. Loops enables us to improve the success rate of product changes and allows us to concentrate on what truly matters.
Noa Kind Photo
Noa Kind
Senior Group Product Manager
From a whole day
to less than an hour
Root Cause Insights from Loops Feature-Impact Model led to top KPI Lift – with no A/B Testing
Using Loops, Atera’s analysts detected that a particular modification was the primary cause of a KPI decline and were able to adjust their views about the success of a new feature release, ultimately implementing a third round of updates in the same product area. Thanks to the insights provided by Loops, their subsequent changes resulted in a substantial boost in Atera’s funnel conversion rates.
Yuval Regev Photo
Yuval Regev
Head of BI & Analytics
Key business KPI
How Wahi used Loops to gain causal insight, analyze impact, and increase its KPIs
Our story with Loops kind of tells itself – we started with a proof of concept and gained key insights. We took that and enhanced the product. Once that shipped, we used another Loops feature to prove the impact it would drive. I’d say we’re pretty excited about the impact on growth that Loops has helped us drive at Wahi.
Simon Trudeau Photo
Simon Trudeau
Head of Analytics and Optimization
Lift in Engagement
Conversion to next step
Powering Lift Across Top KPI’s
As a company that rigorously prioritizes efforts, Loops empowered us to identify and shift our focus efficiently. Loops expedited our decision-making processes, positively influencing our KPIs and attention allocation. Unlike other “actionable insight” solutions, Loops allowed us to proactively review the most impactful opportunities, rather than spending our time trying to search for them or extract them from dashboards.
Auke van Deutekom Photo
Auke van Deutekom
(former) Chief Growth Officer
Increase in Logins
Increase in core feature use
Translating customer behaviors into business metrics is challenging without a robust A/B testing structure or the necessary statistical expertise. What I love about Loops is that it simplifies this process, removing the complexity and effort required to get to causality… the most actionable insight for a product team. If you move this metric, this is the business impact.
Chris Douglas
Chris Douglas
(Former) Director, Business Strategy & Analytics, Scribd (currently Quantifi, ex. MongoDB, Facebook)
Closing the Loop on Hypotheses Prioritization
The primary advantage of Loops for us lies in the preliminary stage before execution – identifying hypotheses with a higher likelihood of success. Loops enables us to improve the success rate of product changes and allows us to concentrate on what truly matters.
From a whole day to less than an hour
Noa Kind Photo
Noa Kind
Senior Growth Product Manager
Root Cause Insights from Loops Feature-Impact Model led to top KPI Lift – with no A/B Testing
Using Loops, Atera’s analysts detected that a particular modification was the primary cause of a KPI decline and were able to adjust their views about the success of a new feature release, ultimately implementing a third round of updates in the same product area. Thanks to the insights provided by Loops, their subsequent changes resulted in a substantial boost in Atera’s funnel conversion rates.
Key business KPI
Yuval Regev Photo
Yuval Regev
Head of BI & Analytics
How Wahi used Loops to gain causal insight, analyze impact, and increase its KPIs
Our story with Loops kind of tells itself – we started with a proof of concept and gained key insights. We took that and enhanced the product. Once that shipped, we used another Loops feature to prove the impact it would drive. I’d say we’re pretty excited about the impact on growth that Loops has helped us drive at Wahi.
Lift in Engagement
Conversion to next step
Simon Trudeau Photo
Simon Trudeau
Head of Analytics and Optimization
Powering Lift Across Top KPI’s
As a company that rigorously prioritizes efforts, Loops empowered us to identify and shift our focus efficiently. Loops expedited our decision-making processes, positively influencing our KPIs and attention allocation. Unlike other “actionable insight” solutions, Loops allowed us to proactively review the most impactful opportunities, rather than spending our time trying to search for them or extract them from dashboards.
Increase in Logins
Increase in core feature use
Auke van Deutekom Photo
Auke van Deutekom
(former) Chief Growth Officer
Translating customer behaviors into business metrics is challenging without a robust A/B testing structure or the necessary statistical expertise. What I love about Loops is that it simplifies this process, removing the complexity and effort required to get to causality…the most actionable insight for a product team. If you move this metric, this is the business impact.
From a whole day to less than an hour
Chris Douglas
Chris Douglas
Data & GTM Strategy, Quantifi. (ex-Scribd, MongoDB, Facebook)
8X Faster

Hypothesis validation at


Lift in core KPI at Atera


Revenue lift from a single insight at Taboola


Identify the reasons for KPI changes

Loops Root Cause Analysis automatically identifies the reasons for drops and trends in your KPIs: 

  • Receive automatic, KPI change alerts, with top potential reasons ranked by their impact on the KPI
  • Proactively manage KPI drop situations, such as DAU/WAU/MAU, ARR, MRR, TCV, LTV, Revenue and more.
  • Understand hidden user segments affecting your KPIs
  • Save days of work trying to understand why
  • Gain confidence knowing that all potential reasons are analyzed by Loops
Loops Root Cause Analysis for B2B SaaS


Updates pushed via Slack, Teams, and email

Personalized summaries and alerts for individuals and teams

  • Trends and anomalies and the "why" behind them
  • Forecasts and how you stand compared to your goals
  • The impact of recent launches and new ideas to maximize impact


Measure the impact of every product change on KPIs

Loops Release Impact analysis enables you to accurately identify the impact of each product change:

  • Always measure, even when you don’t have the traffic, time, or resources for a standard A/B test
  • 90+% accuracy of standard A/B testing, but with minimal traffic
  • Loops causal models account for all the noise factors that can skew your view of the impact of a change, such as improved performance/ latency, promotion, the impact of bugs, pricing, amongst many other factors


Optimize for the highest-impact user paths

Loops causal, user journey analysis automatically identifies the combinations and sequences of page views and events users take that maximize or minimize your KPIs, at every stage in  your user’s lifecycle:

  • Loops identifies and ranks user journeys, by their causal impact on your KPIs
  • Understand and expand on what’s working, from marketing to landing pages, and throughout the entire user funnel


Know why high-intent users drop

Everyone has a funnel. Loops identifies high-intent users who are actually dropping and helps you focus on the biggest opportunities to improve funnel performance:

  • Understand the obstacles your power users may encounter in your funnels.
  • Understand why they’re dropping and what they’re doing instead of completing the funnel
  • Gain new insights from Loops simulations of what would be the effect if you improved a step or brought in more users from a particular segment.
Loops Funnel Analysis
Loops Retention Analysis


Learn what drives retention

Gain insight into the user behavior that drive retention:

  • Identify the features and items that maximize retention
  • Find leading indicators for long-term retention
  • Understand what minimizes churn


Connect to your data warehouses and analytics solutions

Loops is a no-code, warehouse-native solution that connects to your data in minutes:

  • Works very flexibly with data stored in different structures.
  • Your data stays with you, we don’t copy or move it
  • We don't add any code, we simply connect to your data

Get started

Share your details, schedule a 30-minute call,  and we'll provide a custom demo of the Loops Platform and discuss how others in your industry have used Loops to maximize conversion, retention, and other core KPIs.