For Product Managers

Insight. Confidence.
The knowledge you are working on the biggest growth opportunities

With Loops,
You're the hero driving growth

Let Loops guide you, automatically ...even for questions you didn't think to ask

Loops does the heavy (KPI) lifting with unique analyses and causal models

Loops quantifies the exact KPI lift - so you can prioritize by impact

Forget waiting on AB tests ...Loops measure the KPI impact of every launch you make, even with minimal traffic


Loops changes the Product Management paradigm

Stop staring at dashboards

Switch to Loops,
work concrete opportunities,
maximize your KPIs

Trusted by companies that rely on data to inform their decisions.

You don't need to be a Data Scientist
to get easy, fast answers to Root Cause, Release Impact, what lifts your KPIs, and more

"Unlike other “actionable insight” solutions, Loops allowed us to proactively review the most impactful opportunities, rather than spending our time trying to find and extract them from dashboards."
Auke Van Deutekom
Chief Growth Officer at uDocz

Take a closer look at the Loops Unique and Causal Models:

Identify the features, content, or user behavior that maximize your KPIs using causal inference models.

Easy, no-code, integration with all your data sources

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